Ukulele chord name Esus4 (E suspended fourth) Notes and structure E A B (R 4 5) Chord Categories major chord with 3th replaced by the 4th Suspended chords are neither major or minor suspended chord Other Notations E4 E#3 Esus4 on other instruments Esus4 piano Esus4 guitar Esus4 ukulele Esus4 mandolin Esus4 banjo Ukulele Chords Em – 0402 Am – 00 Dsus4 – 0230 D – 22 G – 0232 Cmaj7 – 0002 C – 0003 Intro Em Am Dsus4 D Em Am Dsus4 D Part 1 Em Am G Cmaj7 I'm not an alcoholic, but I'm always so tired, Em Am Dsus4 Dsus4 I am always bored and always feel kinda bad Em Am G Cmaj7 CanB Db Gb B Fingering 4 1 2 3 The Gbsus4 is a chord that often leads to frustration!

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Dsus4 ukulele chord
Dsus4 ukulele chord-The first basic ukulele chords you should start learning are Am, C, F and G Learning these four basic chords will allow you to play most popular songs in the C key by for example Bob Dylan, Adele, Tom Petty, Bruce Springsteen, Taylor Swift and Creedence Clearwater Revival Using the schematic above on "how to read chord charts" can help youTools Virtual Piano Web Tuner Piano Chords Guitar Chords;

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Additionally, you can Download our ChordIQ FREE to learn notes, guitar (or ukulele, bass, you name) chords in different tuning, perfect pitch and lots more Did you know?Dsus4 Guitar Chord Dsus4 Guitar Chord and alternate tunings 7 chord voicings, charts and sounds Chord notes and structure D G A (R 4 5) Dsus4 Chord Full name D suspended fourth AKA D4 D#3 Guitar sound On this page Charts Inversions Left handed charts Structure Chord on other instruments Related scales Chord staff Summary table Ukulele Chords Cadd9 – 03 Em7 – 02 Dsus4 – 0230 G – 0232 D – 22 Bm7 – 42 – 43 Am7 – 0000 D#dim – 23 Cm – 0333 C – 0003
Ukulele chord name Dsus4 (D suspended fourth) Notes and structure D G A (R 4 5) Chord Categories major chord with 3th replaced by the 4th Suspended chords are neither major or minor suspended chord Other Notations D4 D#3 Dsus4 on other instruments Dsus4 piano Dsus4 guitar Dsus4 ukulele Dsus4 mandolin Dsus4 banjoOn this page Charts Inversions Left handed charts Structure Chord on other instruments Related scales Chord staff Summary table ReferencesHow to play Dsus2 and Dsus4 D Suspended Open Chords on guitarFree beginner guitar lessons courtesy of http//guitarhighcom
Dsus4(b5) Ukulele Chord Dsus4(b5) for Ukulele has the notes D G G# and can be played 2 different ways Learn about its related chords and interval structure R 4 b5 Dsus4(b5) Chord AKA Dsus45;Moveable Chord No Frets Position 0233 Fingers Position 0123 Dsus4 Arpeggio on Ukulele Create your own Dsus4 ukulele chord using notes of the Dsus4 arpeggio on the fretboard belowChord Dsus4 D suspended fourth Composition and Fingers Guitar/Ukulele chordsvip

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Chord details Type Suspended (dominant 7th suspended 4th) Intervals D ( T ), G ( 4J ), A ( 5J ), C ( 7m ), Formula 1 4 5 b7 Alternative notation 2 2 3Major chords Minor chords Diminished chords Augmented chords 7th chords 6th chords 9th chords 11th chords 13th chords Suspended chords 5 dim aug 9sus2 9sus4 7sus2 7sus4 sus2 sus4 m13 maj13 13 m11 m9 maj9 9#5 9b5 9 º7 m7b5 m(maj7) m7 7#5 7b5 7 maj7 6/9 m6 6 m majorCommonly used in pop, rock, and jazz, the suspended fourth chord usually has no third and therefore sounds open since it lacks a minor or major tonality It can function as a preparatory chord before a resolution at the third

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D7sus4 ukulele chord is also written as D dominant 7th suspended 4th Ukulele chord chart for D7sus4 chord with suggested finger positions on the ukulele fretboard is shown below View D7sus4 chord for guitar To view all other guitar chords with suggested finger positions, check out https//gtrlibcom× Get our free beginner chordDsus4 ukulele chord is also written as D suspended 4th View ukulele chords chart for Dsus4 chord along with suggested finger positions

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Show All D Chords Hide Chord List D major D minor D 7 D m7 D maj7 D m#7 (mM7) D 7b5 D 7#5 D m7b5 D 7b9 D b5 D 5 Power Chord D 6 D m6 D 69 D 9 D 9b5 D 9x5 D m9 D maj9 D add9 D 7#9 D 11 D m11 D 13 D maj13 D sus2 D sus4 D7 sus4 D9 sus4 D dim D half dim D dim7 D aug D/F# D/A D/C# D/C D/E Chord FinderThen select chord type (quality) from the list below D Dm D D b5 D° Dsus2 Dsus2 b5 Dsus4 D5 Dsus24 D2 Dm #5 Dm sus2 Dm2 D6 D6m D6/9 DM ♯11 D7 DM 7 DM 7b5 DM 7sus2 DM 7sus4 DM 7sus24 Dm 7 D5 7 Dm M7 Dm M7b5 D M7 D 7 D Ø D o7 D 7b5 D7 ♯9 DM7 ♯9 Dm7 ♯9 D7 b9 DM7 b9 Dm7 b9 Dm M7b9 D M7b9 D 7b9 D Øb9 D o7b9 D 7b5b9 D7/6 D7/6sus2 D7Click here to get a free 14 day trial!

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Additionally, you can Download our ChordIQ FREE to learn notes, guitar (or ukulele, bass, you name) chords in different tuning, perfect pitch and lots more Did you know?Dsus4 All chord diagrams are copyright protected and may not be reproduced in any way without permission UkuChnrdðcom SOPRANO, CONCERT & TENOR UKULELE CHORDS CHART • 180 CHORDS = , = Db, = Eb, = Gb and = Ab Ebm7 Ebmaj7 3/4 Ebm Ebaug Ebdim Eb7 Eb6 Ebadd9 Eaug Ebm6 Em6 Fm6 Ebm9 Edim Eb9 Ebsus2 Em7 Ebsus4 Eb7sus4 EmMandolin chord name Dsus4/G add(m2) Notes and structure D D# G A ( R m2 4 5) Chord Construction chord is sus4 suspended has 4th replacing the 3rd add degrees that do not fit in the chord structure add(m2) Dsus4/G add(m2) on other instruments Dsus4/G add(m2) piano Dsus4/G add(m2) guitar Dsus4/G add(m2) ukulele Dsus4/G add(m2) mandolin

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Ukulele Chords G – 0232 Em7 – 02 Cadd9 – 03 Dsus4 – 0230 Em – 0402 Emmaj7 – 0302 Em6 – 0102Dsus4 chord on a piano, guitar, bass, ukulele, banjo, mandolin, violin, viola, cello and double upright bassThe Esus4 requires just two fingers, the combination is based on what is easiest for you Place the middle finger on the fourth fret of the G string and the ring finger on the fourth fret of the C string You will have to move the middle back a little to accommodate the ring Keep the top of your fingers perpendicular that way you avoid string interference and also muting the bottom A string

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Commonly used in pop, rock, and jazz, the suspended fourth chord usually has no third and therefore sounds open since it lacks a minor or major tonality It can function as a preparatory chord before a resolution at the thirdLearn different positions of the Dsus2 chord (D suspended second) on the ukulele Ukulele Chord Finder Discover ukulele chords in any key and numerous styles Just select the key and type of the chord to view different chord variations Dsus4 or D suspended 4th guitar chord D chords Chord Dsus4 notes D, A, D and G You must leave out the 6th and 5th strings The string 4 (D) is left openGsus4 Arpeggio Create your own Gsus4 ukulele chord pattern using the notes of the Gsus4 arpeggio / intervals on the fretboardPiano Companion It is a flexible chord and scale dictionary with user libraries and a

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Piano Companion It is a flexible chord and scale dictionary with user libraries and a reverse mode Songtive is based on user feedback from Piano Companion and ChordOn this page Charts Inversions Left handed charts Structure Chord on other instruments Related scales Chord staff Summary table ReferencesFree Falling by Tom Petty used the Dsus4 chord Dsus4 is an abbreviation for D suspended 4 This kind of chord has tension that wants to be resolved Usuall

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Piano Companion It is a flexible chord and scale dictionary with user libraries and a reverse mode Songtive is based on user feedback from Piano Companion and ChordThe Dsus4 chord has the intervals I, IV, V with notes D, G, A Matching Scales D Major D Minor D Blues G Major G Minor G Major Pentatonic A Minor A Blues A Minor Pentatonic Commonly used in pop, rock, and jazz, the suspended fourth chord usually has no third and therefore sounds open since it lacks a minor or major tonalityCommonly used in pop, rock, and jazz, the suspended fourth chord usually has no third and therefore sounds open since it lacks a minor or major tonality It can function as a preparatory chord before a resolution at the third

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Ukulele Tab UkuTabs "Wonderful Tonight" by Eric Clapton Chords in this song C, D, Em, G, G7 Eric "Slowhand" Clapton may well be considered God in guitar circles, but this gentle, beautiful ballad is easy enough for even beginner ukulele players to pick up and play inThe Csus4 is an easy two finger chord Start by putting your index finger on the first fret of the E string Next the ring finger has a light stretch to the third fret of the A string Use the tips of your fingers and keep the top joints perpendicular to avoid interfering with other strings Pluck all the strings of the chord making sure there are no muted notes especially for the open G and CUkulele chords ukulele chords chord namer ukulele scales ukulele arpeggios ukulele tuner ukulele tabs C 7sus4 chord C# 7sus4 chord D 7sus4 chord D# 7sus4 chord E 7sus4 chord F 7sus4 chord F# 7sus4 chord G 7sus4 chord G# 7sus4 chord A 7sus4 chord A# 7sus4 chord B 7sus4 chord

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How to play D sus4 chord for Ukulele in LowG tuning New Song;Ukulele chord Dsus4 in standard tuning Notes D, G, A Chord structure 1, 4, 5 See the fingering diagrams or chord charts with other ukulele chordsShow All D Chords Hide Chord List D major D minor D 7 D m7 D maj7 D m#7 (mM7) D 7b5 D 7#5 D m7b5 D 7b9 D b5 D 5 Power Chord D 6 D m6 D 69 D 9 D 9b5 D 9#5 D m9 D maj9 D add9 D 7#9 D 11 D m11 D 13 D maj13 D sus2 D sus4 D7 sus4 D9 sus4 D dim D

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C sus4 chord C# sus4 chord D sus4 chord D# sus4 chord E sus4 chord F sus4 chord F# sus4 chord G sus4 chord G# sus4 chord A sus4 chord A# sus4 chord B sus4 chord A maj chord A min chord A 7 chord A maj7 chord A m7 chord A mM7 chord A dim7 chord A aug chord A sus2 chord A sus4 chord A 7sus2 chord A 7sus4 chord A 9 chord A maj9 chord A m9 chord ADsus4(#5) Ukulele Chord Dsus4(#5) for Ukulele has the notes D G A# and can be played 2 different ways Learn about its related chords and interval structure R 4 #5 Dsus4(#5) Chord AKA Dsus4(5);Fsus4 Ukulele Chord Fsus4 for Ukulele has the notes F C and can be played 2 different ways Learn about its related chords and interval structure R 4 5 Fsus4 Chord Full name F suspended fourth AKA F4 F#3 On this page Charts Inversions Left handed charts Structure Chord on other instruments Related scales Chord staff Summary table References

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Piano Companion It is a flexible chord and scale dictionary with user libraries and a reverse mode Songtive is based on user feedback from Piano Companion and Chord Similarly, the chord shape for Asus4 () is exactly the same as Dsus2 So, for example, the A – Asus4 move in Dancing Queen could also be thought of as an A – Dsus2 move Every sus2 chord has a twin sus4 chord (and vice versa) That gives suspended chords another layer of ambiguityD Suspended 4th Chord for Ukulele About Dsus4 Chord Name Dsus4 Chord Symbol Dsus4 Spelling D, G, A

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Start by placing the tip of the index finger on the first fret of the C string Next the middle goes on the second fret of the E string and the ring finger on the second fret of the A stringUkulele Tuning GCEA Root Note D Chord Type Suspended Chord Symbols sus Chord Formula 145 Chord Notes D G A Bass Note Capo no Moveable Chord No Frets Position 0230 Fingers Position 0230

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